In the days following the birth of my first child, I silently cursed my girlfriends for withholding valuable information. Things like: “There is no silent farting postpartum, it’s impossible,” and “You will pee your...
Category - Poly Stuff
I’ve had the good fortune to experience beautiful, positive feelings in my sexual adventuring. Some of the most intense positive emotions of my life, in fact. When I allowed affection, play, and passion to mingle with a larger...
Say the word “slut” in mixed company you’ll get some raised eyebrows. The word carries centuries of baggage (): dirty, slovenly, “a woman with loose sexual morals.” Morality … always the trouble maker. I, along...
So, I’m coming out as a consensual non-monogamist. It’s such a private thing – a sex life – it begs the question, “Why come out?” Consensual non-monogamy isn’t a kink, it’s a lifestyle. A big part of my...